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How To Become A World Class
Massage Therapist


Gary Schweitzer
RMT & International Seminar Leader

Dear Massage Therapist,

Would you like to hear a rather strange and bizarre story?

While attending a two-year massage therapy program, I had an accident that would change the course of my life and my career forever!

While struggling to cope with the demands of a very stressful academic program, I did the unthinkable.

At 2:20 am in the morning on March 16th, 1993, I walked out a third story window while I was asleep.

As a result, I fractured both my heels and broke my back. I spent 17 days in the hospital, fighting for my life.

This catastrophic event should have ended my career before it even began.

However, it turned out to be the greatest gift I would ever receive. The reason is because I discovered the Dynamic Gate Technique.

But First...

The Dynamic Gate Technique is the one technique that has allowed me to get tremendous results with my clients. However, before I let you know more about this powerful technique...

Let me first introduce myself.

My name is Gary Schweitzer, and I’m a Registered Massage Therapist and International Seminar Leader from Kelowna, B.C., Canada.

And ever since I discovered the Dynamic Gate Technique I have had a wildly successful Massage Therapy practice.

I’m booked solid all year round regardless of what’s going on in the economy.

I also make an above average income every year!

And most importantly I’m able to work pain free even after sustaining serious injuries to my feet and back.

And I have been able to teach live workshops to over 4200 Massage Therapists in North America and Europe since 2000.

However, it wasn’t always like this…

Elbow & Hand With The Dynamic Gate Technique

Fist & Hand Technique On The Calf

Five Months in a Wheelchair

After I graduated from College I had to build a Massage Therapy Practice from scratch.

My dream was to have a very successful practice and help as many people as possible on their healing journey.

The problem was I had acute back pain from my recent fracture and my shoulders, neck, and wrists were painful due to the rigorous demands of being a Massage Therapist.

However, I discovered out of shear necessity, that if I kept an upright posture and moved my whole body as one unit, I was able to work pain free.

The pain I felt in my back, shoulders, neck, and wrists simply vanished! What’s really important is I overcame my biggest fear of not being able to practice in the profession I truly love, because of the pain I was feeling in my body.

However, my struggles didn’t end there.

The Secret Discovery

My clients demanded a deeper, more effective treatment and I couldn’t give a deep treatment to save my life.

Fortunately for me I found a post graduate teacher who taught a deep tissue therapy workshop in my city.

He was a soft spoken, 5-foot 2 Armenian Massage Therapist who was teaching at the post graduate level for decades.

I enrolled in his program immediately!

He introduced me to a system of deep tissue therapy that was unique, innovative, dynamic, and very effective.

At last, I had found a deep tissue therapy approach that my clients absolutely loved.

These deep treatments were very effective but also really painful for my clients.

And I knew I had to find a better way.

Grasping Technique On The Neck

Fist & Hand Technique On The Hip

Pressure Not Pain

It wasn’t until I had been practicing for 7 years and while teaching at a live workshop that I discovered the Dynamic Gate Technique.

This technique allows me to treat at the optimal amount of depth with the least amount of effort and the least amount of pain and discomfort for the client.

Imagine for a moment you’re giving a deep tissue massage, and all your client feels is pressure not pain.

It’s an absolute “game changer” because as you and I both know, most deep tissue treatments are really painful.

When I combined the postural and movement based system with the Dynamic Gate Technique my practice exploded and I was unable to keep up with the demand.

Because this system has allowed me to get above average and consistent results. For that reason, I never have to go looking for clients.

My clients value my skills and look to me as an expert advisor.

I can provide for my family and take them on exciting holidays, all the while living a healthy and active lifestyle.

I teach all other the world and have impacted the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of Massage Therapists.

And most importantly, be the Dad I want to be, for my son.

Fist & Hand Technique On The Low Back

Grasping Technique On The Forearm

Here it is...

If you watched the presentation above and are reading this letter, you’re here for a reason.

Something in your life isn’t perfect and you want more.

So, you know where you are, and you probably know where you want to go.

The only question to answer is how’re you’re going to get there?

Today, you have the chance to grab the roadmap that shows you exactly how.

How to work pain free…how to get better results…how to attract a large following of deeply loyal clients and experience the joy of financial certainty.

This is what I've got for you...

I have developed a three day seminar called “Schweitzer’s Deep Tissue Therapy Workshop”.

This deep tissue therapy system is simple and easy to learn!

Regardless of your current experience or your educational training.

In this workshop you’ll discover my postural and movement-based system that will effectively deal with any occupational strain issues you’re currently experiencing in your thumbs, wrists, shoulders, neck and back.

You’ll discover six foundational techniques which includes my Dynamic Gate Technique for making deep treatments a more manageable and less painful experience for your clients.

And your clients will instantly know that the treatment they’re getting from you, they can’t get from anyone else, it has to be you!

Over the course of three full days, you’ll get twelve hours of massage treatment on your body.

That alone is worth the price of admission for the workshop.

This program is Approved by the NCBTMB for continuing education credit.

After the workshop you’ll receive a completion certificate that you can submit for credit to your state board.

The cost of the “Schweitzer’s Deep Tissue Therapy Workshop" is $597. If you register today, you can make one easy payment of $597, or you can make a payment of $300 today and a second payment of $300 in 30 days.

So, I want to make you an irresistible offer:

If you register today, I’ll also give you a 5-module online video program,
which is my three-day live workshop shot in high-definition video.

This program will serve as a valuable reference guide.

Each posture and every technique is covered in the video program.

You’ll have an opportunity to review them over and over again until you master them.

This 5-module online video program is valued at


and is yours for


You’ll also get a 213-page color eBook, which has every technique taught in the live workshop,
and is another valuable resource. Especially if you’re a visual learner and you learn best by
following a step-by-step structure.

This eBook is valued at


and it's yours for


Registration is limited based on the size of the space we rent for these workshops.

If you want to secure your spot in this workshop click on the “Register For A Workshop Now” button below!

I want to talk to the massage therapists out there who are feeling pain in their body and are highly motivated to know how to work pain free.

This system has a proven track record for effectively tackling occupational strains symptoms head on.

Or perhaps you just want to learn deep tissue therapy because your clients have been asking for it and you don’t have the skills to give them what they need.

You’ll learn valuable manual skills that will leave you feeling more confident and empowered like never before.

I’ve walked in your shoes…

I know exactly how you feel because I was once where you are now. And I want you to know that I’ve got your back.

After the first day of my three-day workshop, you’ll know you’re in the right room. So, you can’t go wrong here.

This workshop is really what will take you and your massage therapy practice to the next level!

And I guarantee after the first day it’ll work just like I say it will, or I’ll give you all your money back because I offer a 100% “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee.

That’s how confident I am that you’ll love this workshop, and you’ll find it extremely valuable.

No other seminar leader that I know of will offer you a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

So, Register right now for “Schweitzer’s Deep Tissue Therapy Workshop” for the low cost of $597, or pay $300 today and make a second payment of $300 in 30 days, and get the bonus video program and the eBook, valued at $394 for free!

Click on the “Register For A Workshop Now” button below.

Schweitzer’s Deep Tissue Therapy Workshop

One time payment: $597

Or, $300 today and $300 in 30 days

Also Includes:

Bonus Video Program

The digital copy of my Book

with an additional value of $394

Our Students Say...

“I am so happy I took this course. I am so tired of looking for something to take and not find anything of interest. I confess I was ‘credit surfing’. After taking the course, I believe that everyone would benefit from it. New grads, old timers like me and everyone in between. Gary is an awesome teacher and for the first time in searching out QA creditable courses, this was all about the therapist. It will keep me and anyone else who takes this busy and pain free in the process. Am I gushing? Truth. Thanks again.”


Sherry Hallson


“I arrived with pain and injury in my dominant right wrist and M.C.P. joints. On the second day, I felt some soreness and pressure on my right hand. By the third day of deep tissue treatments, I could work pain free. My posture was corrected, and the pressure was coming from the bending of the forward knee. The techniques I have learned are protecting my wrists and back. I can now work deeply without hurting.”


Regan Laframboise


“This has been such a valuable course. My struggle with posture and technique in clinic has changed completely. I am now able to use techniques that are more effective and efficient without causing me pain. I have learned so many tips and tricks that it makes it much easier to focus on my work and not on my posture or biomechanics.”


Mariya Prostsiv


“Gary’s workshop was informative. It made me more aware of how to utilize biomechanics for a safer, more effective treatment. There were many useful techniques learned which will be implemented into my practice.”


Ruth Szerepi


“This class was very eye opening. After the long days, my low back and neck were not sore at all. I am used to being sore after a day of work. The class was specific and straight forward. I really enjoyed taking the course and it will be an asset for my new practice.”


Lauren Speaker


“With pain before we started but after two days, I felt pain free and by the third day it felt like I have been doing it for a long time.”


Daisy Paule